1. Create TM for Multiple translations.
Open Translator’s Workbench
File - New
Click “Create” button to create TM and save any name like TM_For_A_B.tmw
2. The same sentence used in Company A and Company B has different translation.
• Two files, Company_A.txt and Company_B.txt, have the same sentence “Double-click the Volume icon in the notification area.”.
• Create two project files, Project_Company_A.wps and Project_Company_B.wps
• Save different translations unit (TU) for these two projects.
2-1 Save TU for Company A
Open Company_A.txt in TagEditor
In Translator’s Workbench,
Settings - Project and Filter Settings … - Project Settings
Input “Company_A” in Text field content and select “Approved” in Attribute picklist.
Save Project name as Project_Company_A.wps.
Translate the sentence for Company A in TagEditor
See the result in Translator’s Workbench,
File - Maintenance
Click “Begin Search”, TU is displayed. You will see the Status and Text Field for Company A.
Click “Close”
2-2 Save TU for Company B
Open Company_B.txt in TagEditor
In Translator’s Workbench,
Settings - Project and Filter Settings … - Project Settings
Input “Company_B” in Text field content and select “New” in Attribute picklist.
Save Project name as Project_Company_B.wps.
Translate the sentence for Company B in TagEditor
See the result in Translator’s Workbench
File - Maintenance
Click “Begin Search”, TU is displayed. You will see the Status and Text Field for Company B.
Click “Close”
3. The same translation for a sentence used for Company A and Company B.
• In Common.txt file, the first sentence is “To increase the volume, press the volume up button”, the translation is the same for Company A and Company B.
3-1 Save TU for Company A
Open Common.txt in TagEditor
In Translator’s Workbench,
Settings - Project and Filter Settings … - Project Settings
Click “Load” button to load Project_Company_A.wps.
Translate the sentence for Company A in TagEditor
See the result in Translator’s Workbench,
File - Maintenance
Click “Begin Search”, TU is displayed. You will see the Status and Text Field for Company A.
Click “Close”
3-2 Select “Merge” to add information fields of Project_Company_B.wps to the existing information fields of the used translation unit.
In Translator’s Workbench,
Options - Translation Memory Options …
Select “Merge” in Used translation units
3-3 Merge the Status and Text Field of Company A and Company B
In Translator’s Workbench,
Settings - Project and Filter Settings … - Project Settings
Click “Load” button to load Project_Company_B.wps.
Open/Get then Set/Close in TagEditor with the same sentence.
See the result in Translator’s Workbench,
File - Maintenance
Click “Begin Search”, TU is displayed. You will see the Status and Text Field for Company A and Company B.
Click “Close”
4. The general sentence used for any project.
• In Common.txt file, the second sentence is “To mute or restore volume, press the volume mute button.”, the translation is the same for any project.
In Translator’s Workbench,
Settings - Project and Filter Settings … - Project Settings
Click “Reset” button to clear any project and Filter settings.
After translating in TagEditor, the TU displays as follows. There is no Status and Text Field.
5. Test a new file named NewProject.txt
• Its content includes three sentences
• Double-click the Volume icon in the notification area.
• To increase the volume, press the volume up button.
• To mute or restore volume, press the volume mute button.
5-1 Use Project Settings “Project_Company_A.wps” and without Filter Settings
The result is
Double-click the Volume icon in the notification area.
在提示區中,按兩次音量圖示。(Match 100%)
To increase the volume, press the volume up button.
按 up 鍵增加音量。(Match 100%)
To mute or restore volume, press the volume mute button.
按 mute 鍵靜音或恢復音量。(Match 100%)
5-2 Use Project Settings “Project_Company_A.wps” and Filter Settings “Company_B” in Text field content.
In Translator’s Workbench,
Settings - Project and Filter Settings … - Filter Settings
Input Company_B in Text field content box, let the Status be empty.
The result is
Double-click the Volume icon in the notification area.
雙擊提示區中音量圖示。(Match 98%)
To increase the volume, press the volume up button.
按 up 鍵增加音量。(Match 98%)
To mute or restore volume, press the volume mute button.
按 mute 鍵靜音或恢復音量。(Match 98%)
The first sentence matches the translation of Company B because of the use of Filter. There is only one matching sentence in TM.
98% match for the third sentence is because in Translator’s Workbench,
Options - Translation Memory Options - Penalties Tab
The setting value is 2% for “Attribute and text field difference penalty”.
Readers can test the combination of Project Settings and Filter Settings to see what will happen.
A-1 Company_A.txt and Company_B.txt
Double-click the Volume icon in the notification area.
A-2 Common.txt
To increase the volume, press the volume up button.
To mute or restore volume, press the volume mute button.
A-3 NewProject.txt
Double-click the Volume icon in the notification area.
To increase the volume, press the volume up button.
To mute or restore volume, press the volume mute button.